Hi everyone, my name is Bill. Welcome to the real world. Here, I am real, and Lt. Cmdr. Peabody is merely a figment of my imagination. But first, I am not a Trekkie -- although I have no problems creating an imaginary person, dressing him up in a silly uniform, and playing Star Trek with him, you won't find me doing that to myself. I do not own a phaser or a tricorder, no model ships -- just a few odd books, CDs and DVDs. But I am not a Trekkie.

Lt. Peabody came into existence after seeing the tweets for someone playing Darth Vader. They were (and are) fun, witty, and entertaining -- but they weren't (and aren't) in any chronological order. So I figured, why not pick some anonymous character, give him a goofy job, put him on the Enterprise, and tell his story in the correct order. So, thanks to the Memory Alpha web site, I pulled all the old series (and animated series) and put them in Star Date order. This is when I discovered that whoever was keeping track of stardates back then did a very lousy job. Much of the animated series (which should have occured after the original) is merged into the old series (one episode even takes place before the first aired pilot episode) -- and 2 of the first season episode (The Corbomite Manuver and The Man Trap) actually occur at the same time! Then there are a couple of episodes that have no stardate at all. Needless to say, I will need to come up with clever excuses from time to time. There are also some pretty lengthy gaps, so I'll be inventing a lot of stuff to kill time...

I will, from time to time, copy off the tweets and put them in a more readable form in the blog section of the myspace page, along with a sort of "commentary track", just for the heck of it. If you have any ideas for Lt. Peabody, just add him as a friend and send them in.