Monday, March 24, 2008

Stardate 1715.1

Capt handed me a transfer sheet and said "sorry" -- Yoeman 2c Sadie Lipschitz to the USS Constellation, effective today...
Guess there really was something to that moment in the rec room...

Supplemental: Someone one said, If you lie on the ground in somebodies arms, you'll probably swallow some of their history...
I got this line from a Suzanne Vega song, whether she came up with that on her own, or heard it from someone else, I could't say.

cont. ...History is nothing but dead time -- it's poisonous, and it can kill you slowly.
so he's still a little bitter...

cont. I went down to Sadie's cabin, but it was already empty. I just stood there in the doorway staring...

cont. Angela Martine saw me standing in Sadie's doorway, and finally pulled me back and took me to her quarters...
2 lost and lonely souls seeking out each other


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