Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Stardate 1742.7

I’ve spent several days running simulations, today is my first go in the real thing - since the academy anyway.

Stardate 1738.5

Lt. Clayton will be instructing me in piloting the shuttlecraft, my few lessons from the academy being many years ago...
I’ve reached a point now where part of what’s going in is simple time killing. I’ve got a long way to go stardate-wise before the next episode, so we’ll have Al refresh some of his skills.

Stardate 1736.1

Just got done with the exam. I’m pretty sure I did well, I reviewed the last exam and caught most of my errors this time...

Stardate 1734.8

Finished up with the enlisted exams, tomorrow it’s Zanotti and my turn to take our exams...

Stardate 1732.1

We have the advancement exams ready. Zanotti will give the exam for Jr enlisted, I’ll do Sr enlisted, Spock - the officers.
It had been about 6 months since the last one, though I’ll be stretching out the time before the results...

Stardate 1729.2

A quick pass through L374 revealed a class M planet, but no signs of any civilizations. Mostly just plant life...
at least until the planet killer comes through

Stardate 1726.3

Aparently the reports of life in the L370 system were somewhat inaccurate, We charted 7 lifeless planets here...