Monday, March 24, 2008

Stardate 1717.8

Tina Lawton storms into my office and demands to know why I spent the night with Ens. Martine when I won't with her...
It's a small enough ship, word was bound to get around sooner or later. Martine seems like the type that would kiss and tell...

supplemental: I told her it's because she's the same age as my little sister, and that would be too wierd...

cont. What I didn't tell her is that she looks just like my sister too, which would make it unbelievably wierd, maybe a little sick even...
He's about 10 years older than her -- that's not a real big deal when she's 30 and he's 40. It can be a little uncomfortable when she's 18 and he's nearly 28 -- Well, it should be anyway...


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